Professional Appointments
- Associate Professor of German at Michigan State University
- Core Faculty in the Digital Humanities
- Affiliated Faculty in Jewish Studies
- Ph.D. in Germanic Languages and Literatures (University of Pennsylvania)
- A.M. in Germanic Languages and Literatures (University of Pennsylvania)
- B.A. in Mathematics and German Literature (Hamilton College)
Monographs and Edited Volumes
- The Mathematical Imagination: On the Origins and Promise of Critical Theory. New York: Fordham University Press, 2019.
The Franz Rosenzweig Yearbook. Eds. Matthew Handelman, Ephraim Meir, and Christian Wiese. Vol 10, The ‘And’ in Franz Rosenzweig’s Work. Clashes and Encounters between Faiths, Cultures, Classes and Nations. Freiburg: Alber Verlag, 2019.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- “After Language as Such: Gershom Scholem, Werner Kraft, and the Question of Mathematics,” in: The Germanic Review, vol. 91.3. Special Issue: Walter Benjamin: Piecework, ed. Samuel Weber (2016): 294-311.
- “Digital Humanities as Translation: Visualizing Rosenzweig’s Archive,” in: TRANSIT, vol. 10.1, ed. Jon Cho-Polizzi. Special Issue: The Digital German Humanities (2015). Online.
- “The Dialectics of Otherness: Siegfried Kracauer’s Figurations of the Jew, Judaism, and Jewishness,” in: Yearbook for European Jewish Literature Studies, eds. Alfred Bodenheimer and Vivian Liska, vol. 2. Recasting the “Other”: Readings in German Jewish Interwar Culture and Its Aftermath, ed. Karin Neuburger (2015): 90-111.
- “Unvermeidliches Schicksal? Alcoholism, Mathematics, and Heredity in Theodor Storm’s ‘Der Herr Etatsrath’ (1881),” in: Scientia Poetica: Yearbook for the History of Literature, Humanities and Sciences, eds. Andrea Albrecht, Lutz Danneberg, Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann, and Friedrich Vollhardt, vol. 18 (2014): 81-102.
- “Der Text ist Landschaft – Marginalität und Paul Celans ‘Engführung,’” in: Am Rand: Grenzen und Peripherien in der europäisch-jüdischen Literatur, eds. Sylvia Jaworski and Vivian Liska (München: Edition Text + Kritik, 2012): 224-238.
- “Franz Rosenzweig’s Modern Mathematics,” in: Leo Baeck Yearbook, vol. 57 (2012): 141-162.
- “The Forgotten Conversation: Five Letters from Franz Rosenzweig to Siegfried Kracauer, 1921 – 1923,” in: Scientia Poetica, vol. 15 (December, 2011): 232-251.
Book Chapters
- “Physical Redemption: Psychophysics, Messianism, and the Origins of Kracauer’s Theory of Film,” in: ‘Doch ist das Wirkliche auch vergessen, so ist es darum nicht getilgt’: Beiträge zum Werk Siegfried Kracauers, eds. Jörn Ahrens, Paul Fleming, Susanne Martin, and Ulrike Vedder (Berlin: Springer, 2016): 239-257.
- “Making Space for Judaism – Franz Rosenzweig and the Spatiality of Belief,” in: Räume und Dinge: Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, eds. Manfred Pfaffenthaler, Stefanie Lerch, Katharina Schwabl, and Dagmar Probst (Bielefeld: transcript, 2014): 45-60.
- “Mathematical Mythologies and the Dialectic of Enlightenment,” in: Fiktum versus Faktum: Nicht-mathematische Dialoge mit der Mathematik, eds. Franziska Bomski and Stefan Suhr (Berlin: Erich-Schmidt Verlag, 2011): 59-77.
Digital Projects
- “The Annotated Star.” Collaborative, online annotation platform for Franz Rosenzweig’s Star of Redemption (1921). Co-PIs with Ynon Wygoda and Sinai Rusinek. Ongoing.
- “‘The Poor Sinners’ Pamphlets’” and “Critical Comics.” Collaborative digitization, analysis, and pedagogy projects for “Seminar in Digital Humanities” (MSU, AL 340 and 891).
Selected Fellowships & Awards
- Marbach Stipendium (Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach am Neckar)
- Gerald Westheimer Career Development Fellowship (Leo Baeck Institute, New York City)
- Visiting Scholar and Participant, DAAD Summer Seminar (Institute for German Cultural Studies, Cornell University)
- Associate Fellow, Suhrkamp Forschungskolleg (Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach am Neckar)
- Dissertation Fellow, Leo Baeck Fellowship Programme (Leo Baeck Institute London and the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)
- DAAD Graduate Research Fellowship (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst)